Fine Arts
University of Nebraska-Lincoln 2008
Areas of Certification or Endorsements
- NE Teaching Certificate K-12 Art
About Me
I am a daughter of the King, a wife to Jason and a mother to seven beautiful souls. My children range from 23 to 1 in age. We have Brianne, Logan, Colby, Adalyn, Finnley, Ivy and Elsie. My family is what motivates me to live my life on purpose every day. I grew up in the small town of Schuyler and never knew much about Christian education. I vividly remember as a college freshman at UNL driving right by LCS on my way to Berean and saying to myself, “Someday I’d like my kids to go there.” Fast forward a few years later and that dream came true. I am so thankful for my job here at LCS and for my kids’ education here. When I do have some down time, I love creating meaningful art.
Church: Lincoln Berean Church
I teach art because art is essential to everyday life; it is in our DNA. God created us, therefore we create. He put the will to create in us. I want to help stimulate creative thinking in my students’ minds and help them use what God gave them. I believe art education helps kids with their ability to solve problems and express themselves.
I will do all I can to help my students be innovators for God’s glory. I will do my part in making this possible by exploring the creative process, connecting history and culture through art, having students communicate with and through art, teaching the language of art, using art materials, making connections between art and our world, and looking, thinking and talking about our work and the work of others.