Certificate in Children's Ministries and Christian Education
Valley Forge Christian College 2011
Graduate Major Special Education/Language Disorders
University of Nebraska--Lincoln 1999-2001
BSE in English/Education; concentration ESL/ELL
Millersville University of Pennsylvania 1991
About Me
My family and I moved to Nebraska in 2011, from Lititz, Pennsylvania, where I had lived and taught my entire adult life. We left a church, a Christian school, and about a thousand people we loved behind in that move, and it was very difficult for all of us. We were here for almost a year the first time I walked through the doors of Lincoln Christian. I can honestly say that I felt more at home in the first five minutes I was in this building than I had felt the entire year before. I knew in that instant this was the place God called me to serve.
My husband, Orlando, and I have four sons, three have graduated from Lincoln Christian and our youngest is a senior. We live on a farm west of Lincoln, along with one dog, 15 cats, and 42 chickens. I enjoy the abundance of quiet, being able to see a million stars in the sky at night, and the fields that never seem to end. I have come to love the peace of the land here.
My hobbies include making and listening to music, reading good books, traveling and exploring, and watching the N.Y. Mets win the pennant. Of course, I also love anything that I do with my family.
Church: Country Bible Church
First, I believe that every child who walks into this building was sent here by God, for however long, for His good purpose. In so believing, I pray to see each one come to saving faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and that not one of them would be lost. My heart’s desire is to show them His love every day. Every. Single. Day. And in so doing, point them to Him.
Last, I believe that the most important skill I can teach my students is to be discerning readers. In our culture, they are inundated with ideas and messages from every type of philosophy imaginable. It is imperative that they learn to take these messages and evaluate them through the lens of the Scripture. First, they must determine what the reading is actually saying, and then they must ask the question, “Is that true?” Just because we live in the world, doesn’t mean we have to swallow everything the world teaches. Instead, let’s be disciples of Christ.