About Me
I married my best friend Kami. We have been blessed with three daughters that love the Lord, MaKaylee, Mattea and Kallyn. We enjoy playing games, athletics, being outside, and truly most of all just hanging out as a family. We are passionate about God and what He has done for us through His son Jesus Christ. We want to share this amazing gift with as many people as possible.
Throughout my career, I have been blessed to work in many facets of the educational process helping prepare me to pursue excellence for God’s glory at Lincoln Christian School.
At Waverly Public Schools, I served as a teacher, coach, Department Chair, Team Leader and Language Arts Building Curriculum Specialist while developing two new programs: a middle school credit recovery program and a middle school/high school English as a Second Language Program. My last two years at Waverly High School, I served as the Assistant Principal.
I then served as the Superintendent and Principal of Parkview Christian School. This was a great opportunity to serve as both a spiritual and instructional leader.
For five years, I served as Superintendent of Ashland-Greenwood Public Schools. Our family felt incredibly blessed to positively impact a school and an amazing community.
What a privilege and blessing it has been to serve the Lord at Lincoln Christian School and to pursue excellence for the Glory of God.
My wife, Kami, and I felt called to Christian education. I believe a Christian education has to keep God first in everything. Our mission is to teach the Truth through learning about God’s world in the light of God’s Word. My vision is that we partner with families in equipping children with a worldview that places God at the center of every aspect of life. He is at the center of every subject matter, classroom, co-curricular event, interaction, and decision. I believe Christian education empowers and inspires everyone to reach their fullest potential with the unique characteristics and abilities they were given by God and then to use those abilities to glorify God. As a school, we want to develop mature Christians who are equipped to be transforming influences in the world. We also want to equip students with the discernment to recognize false teaching and when necessary, the ability to defend their faith.